The Unbound Body

August 19th, 2023
Peace, Education and Somatic School 1101 N State Street, Bellingham
$100 (Please inquire for a reduced rate)
Registration: Please send an email to:
This daylong workshop's intention is an investigation of improvisation grounded in practicing attention. We build upon our self-expressive capabilities in an interplay of inner and outer worlds.
I offer guidance and a structure that is simple and inviting. I introduce somatic warm-ups and scores (movement structures) that center around our felt experience as we move in relationship to what we are feeling and doing. It is about becoming intimate with the range of possibilities that are arising moment by moment. A way to come in contact with our direct sensory experience of movement/stillness. And of course strengthening our capacity to be a grounded and buoyant witness.
I am holding the question of how we can get to that state where we can improvise from a place of freedom or neutrality; from a place where we get out of our own way and move like a river from moment to moment to moment. This day is grounded in ritual, community and permission to experience our inner worlds by tapping into the unknown and offer the possibility to embrace more of who we are. I experience those parallel universes of self as bombs of creativity and I feel they own an innate ability to bear life in all its facets.
No dance or movement background necessary. Being curious in getting to know unknown parts of yourself is beneficial.