Winter Jam
Winter Jam in Bellingham, Contact Improvisation January 13 – 15.

The Winter Jam in Bellingham is a Contact Improvisation weekend hosted by Carmen and Rajendra Serber. It will include a class, a lab, music, contemplation*, and of course Contact Improvisation. It’s a perfect time to come behold the beauty and splendor of the Aikido Peace Education Center while practicing and discovering Contact Improvisation.
January 13-15 – Friday evening, all day Saturday and Sunday morning. Schedule below.
The low low bargain price of $50 to $100 includes the whole event (sliding scale). Register by filling out the contact form and send payment via Venmo to @Carmen-Serber with the note "Winter Jam in Bellingham".
Please let everybody you want to dance with know – share this post in email, on Facebook or wherever you are social.
Friday January 13
6:00 Open Space
7:00 Welcome Jam
Saturday January 14
9:30 Contemplative Dance Practice*
10:30 Class – facilitated by Carmen Serber
12:00 Welcome Experience
12:30 Lunch, Open Space - Jam
2:30 Lab
4:00 Open Space - Jam
5:30 Dinner
7:00 Mixer into Jam
8ish Jam with music – Serge Gubelman
Sunday January 15
9:30 Open Space
10:00 Underscore – facilitated by Michal Lahav
12:30 Closing Circle
1:00 Clean up
*Contemplative Dance Practice is a simple yet profound practice of moving meditation. It works with the innate intelligence of the body, psyche and imagination, and their drive for wholeness and integration. We pay attention to the body and invite it to lead into movement or stillness, suspending self-criticism and cultivation awareness. We may move, or be moved, into deeper streams of consciousness. As we practice, the artificial boundaries between body, psyche and spirit begin to dissolve and we discover aspects of ourselves and our lives from fresh perspectives. As we practice with others, we develop an appreciation for the diversity of human experience.