Be BODY 2023

November 6 - January 22 (no class Dec 25 and Jan 1)
Early bird registration til October 10: $200
After October 10th: $250
Peace Education and Somatic School, Bellingham
Register by filling out the contact form and send payment via Venmo to @Carmen-Serber with the note "Be Body" or by check or cash.
This is a series of 10 dance classes with an emphasis on the design of the human body and on improvisation. We dance solo and with others to develop a feeling for effortless movement and fluidity – guided by gravity moving our bodies through space and time. Perspectives of anatomy and simple structures/scores will help to keep our intellect engaged; Lots of time to sense, experiment, play and feel in order to develop a more proprioceptive understanding of our dynamic moving body – or in other words: We aim for more coordination and less overuse of structures. Instead of using only visual or verbal cues, I intend to bring in kinesthetic prompts for our nervous system to blossom. This shift of instruction requires that we change not only the way we think about our body, it also demands that we be our body.
This series is for all movers that are interested in becoming more fluid beings and for everyone that has a deep longing to dance for as long as possible.